Sunday 26 November 2017


  • Sebelum berkahwin, kenali bakal keluarga mertua terlebih dahulu.
  • Berhati-hatilah memilih calon suami kerana anak lelaki selalunya menjadikan sifat bapanya sebagai idola dan contoh
  • Kenali bakal ibu mertua dan ipar duai. Apabila kita tengok bakal ipar duai tidak mengamalkan amalan agama dengan betul, lebih baik elakkan.
  • Pilihlah pasangan dengan betul. Buat semua wanita, jika salah memilih pasangan, anda akan merana dengan sangat lama.
  • memantapkan akidah dan agama
Resipi keluarga bahagia
  • Mesti meningkatkan ketakwaan kepada ALLAH.
  • Jaga akidah dan agama.
  • Tentukan ibadah keluarga dengan sempurna. Jaga solat, solat tepat pada waktu dan solat berjemaah.
  • Suami isteri perlu sentiasa hormat-menghormati antara satu sama lain, menerima seadanya pasangan dan mendoakan pasangan.
  • Banyak memberi manfaat kepada orang lain. Ini kerana keluarga yang banyak memberikan kebahagiaan kepada orang lain, secara automatik kebahagiaan itu akan datang dengan sendirinya.

Thursday 23 November 2017




Ethical Leadership: Acting from the morals and values concerned with the virtuousness of leaders and the nature of their behaviour and motives. The choices leaders make and how they respond in a given circumstance are informed and directed by their ethics.

Become an Ethical Leader. Follow these 5 principles:

1. Respect Others: (Empower others and let your subordinates be themselves creatively, Give credit to everyone’s ideas, Listen to your subordinates, be empathetic, tolerant to opposing points of view)

2. Serve Others: (Contribute to the greater good of others, Service behavior includes, Mentoring, Empower Others, Team Building)

3. Show Justice: (Treat all subordinates equally, Fairness should be main priority in decision making, be clear about rules for distributing rewards. No favorites, always be fair)

4. Be Honest: (Always tell the truth, Be open with others and represent reality exactly the way it is, Do not promise something that you cannot do, Do not misrepresent something, Do not silence your obligations)

 5. Build Community: (Influence others to reach common goal, Attend to more than just the leaders and follower’s goals. Also attend to the community’s goal and purpose. An Ethical Leader is concerned with the common good, in the broadest sense)

Morality is important! A leader should limit the amount of incentives to get their subordinates to do something, Excessive reliance on incentives demoralise professional activity, Causes people to lose moral and it causes activity to lose morality.

How to maintain ethical approaches in Higher Education and elsewhere by:
 Celebrate everyone on your team who displays morality.
 Always consider the entire community (campus or department) when a decision is made
 Always get to know who you are working with and develop trust within each other.