Friday, 21 July 2017


Myths about Leadership

            1.         I can’t lead if I am not at the top.

            2.         When I get to the top, then I will learn to lead.

            3.         If I were on top, then people will follow me.

            4.         When I get to the top, I will be control.

            5.         When I get to the top, I will no longer be limited.

            6.         I can’t reach my potential if I am not the top leader.

            7.         If I can’t get to the top, then I won’t try to lead.

The Principles of 360-Degree Leaders

            1.         Walk slowly through the halls.

            2.         See everyone as a “10”.

            3.         Develop each team member as a person.

            4.         Place people in their strength zones.

            5.         Model the behavior you desire.

            6.         Transfer the vision.

            7.         Reward the results

The Value of 360-Degree Leaders

            1.         A leadership team is more effective than just one leader.

            2.         Leaders are needed at every level of the organization.

            3.         Leading at successfully at one level is a qualifier for leading at the next                              level.

            4.         Good leaders in the middle make better leaders at the top.

            5.         360-Degree leaders possess qualities every organization needs.

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