Saturday 24 December 2016


Apa itu career orientation? Merupakan corak yang berkaitan dengan kerja tetap cukup stabil dari kehidupan kerja seseorang. Ia telah memandu seseorang untuk mengarah diri dengan mengorbankan masa, career-wise sepanjang hidupnya.
Instrument. Senarai Semak Pekerjaan (OCL; Brooks, Holahan, & Galligan, 1985). Telah terbahagi kepada 3 iaitu Tradisional berbanding pekerjaan yang bukan tradisional untuk wanita. Instrumen termasuk senarai 25 pekerjaan yang dianggap tradisional, bukan tradisional dan neutral (30% -70% daripada pekerja wanita).
Predictors. Individual variables (i.e., academic) & (ability, agentic characteristics, gender role attitudes) found to be predictive of career orientation (Fassinger, 1990) ; O'Brien and Fassinger, 1993). 
Kenapa kita mesti tahu mengenai career orientation?
   minat pelajar dalam kerjaya tertentu boleh memberi kesan kepada pendekatan ke arah dalam kelas dan akhirnya menumpukan pencapaian akademik, tetapi orientasi kerjaya itu boleh sama ada berfungsi atau tidak (functional or dysfunctional).
  Ia boleh berfungsi  (functional) jika pelajar menganggap  memberi perhatian di dalam kelas sebagai jalan untuk memudahkannya mencapai kerjayanya dipilih
  Ia boleh dysfunctional jika pelajar itu tidak dapat melihat apa-apa sumbangan sebenar dalam kegiatan akademiknya
   It can also hinder the student's socialization into the role.
   In Becker’s medical school research (1961), many freshmen tried to "learn everything" so as to become the most knowledgeable doctors. This perspective blinded them to the expectations and evaluation procedures of their role complements, the medical school instructors.
   These instructors had their own ideas about what subject matter was most important both for learning and testing purposes.
   Research by Reitz (1979) showed that freshmen high in their orientation toward a teaching career underachieved in class performance.
   Upperclassmen highly oriented toward a teaching career overachieved relative to their less career-oriented classmates.
Possible Explanation
   Might be the student's perception of the relevance of the course content to success in his chosen career.
   Might be the degree to which the student has already been socialized into the educational  Institution.
   That is, to the extent that career  orientation interferes with the student's socialization into the academic culture, it can be  detrimental to his academic performance.

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