Wednesday 26 July 2017


A consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. Groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. A managed system designed and operated to achieve a specific set of objectives. 

Organizational Structure
Defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped and coordinated. The division of labour as well as the patterns of coordination, communication, work flow, and formal power that direct organisational activities. Reflects its culture and power relationships (McShane & Glinow, 2000).  

Fundamental requirements of organizational structures
The division of labour into distinct tasks. The coordination of that labour so employees are able to accomplish common goals.

Fundamental Concepts

Internal environment created by job specialisation and the division of labour. The work of the organisation is subdivided into smaller tasks. Different people or groups often perform specific parts of the entire task.

Differentiated units are put back together so that work is coordinated into an overall product. Coordination would link the various parts of the organization to achieve the organization’s overall mission.

Elements of Organizational Structure
Vertical Structure
          Authority in organizations
                    The legitimate right to make decisions and to tell other people what to do. 
                    Authority resides in positions rather than in people
                    Top to bottom
                   Hierarchical levels
          Span of control
Number of people reporting directly to the next level in the hierarchy
Narrow spans build a tall organization
Wide spans create a flat organization
Assignment of authority and responsibility to a subordinate at a lower level.
Responsibility means the assignment of a task that an employee is supposed to carry out
Accountability means the expectation that employees perform a job, take corrective action when necessary, and report upward on the status and quality of their performance.
The delegation of responsibility and authority
In a centralised organisation, important decisions usually are made at the               top. 
In decentralised organisations, more decisions are made at lower levels.

Horizontal structure (departmentalisation)
As the tasks of organizations become increasingly complex, the organization inevitably must be subdivided or departmentalized. Departmentalization specifies how employees and their activities are grouped together, such as by function, product, geographic location, or some combination. 

Jobs and departments are specialized and grouped according to business functions and the skills they require: production, marketing, human resources, research and development, finance, accounting and so forth. Organizations with functional structures are typically centralized to coordinate their activities effectively.

Type of departmentalization that groups employees around outputs, clients or geographic areas. Divisional structures are sometimes called strategic business units because they are normally more autonomous than functional structures and may operate as subsidiaries rather than as departments of the enterprise.
          Matrix organizations

Matrix structures usually optimize the use of resources and expertise, making them ideal for project-based organizations with fluctuating workloads. Matrix structures focus technical specialists on the goals of serving clients and creating marketable products.

Monday 24 July 2017


Pertemuan pertama sangat penting kerana orang akan membuat persepsi. Penampilan kemas juga mengambarkan seseorang menghargai pertemuan pertama. Jika pakai yang selekeh dan tindakan tergesa-gesa itu sudah menjelaskan segalanya makna tersirat. Bila bertutur pun masih ingat sejarah lampau dan terkenang orang lain...apa maknanya ye. First date is all about first impression.

Sekiranya kita masih ada hati pada kekasih lama atau masih mencintai bekas isteri lebih baik pendamkan saja ingin mencari pengganti. Ini kerana hanya menggangu emosi wanita. Kalau belum bersedia untuk berubah lebih baik jiwang sorang sorang sudahlah.


Proses mengumpul maklumat untuk dijadikan berita melibatkan:-

     1.  WAWANCARA
Wawancara merupakan kaedah menemu bual sumber untuk mmendapatkan maklumat. Wawancara terbahagi kepada tiga iaitu:-

a. Wawancara pendapat
Dibuat terhadap orang ramai untuk mendapat pandangan mereka tentang sesuatu isu.

b. Wawancara maklumat
Berupa wawancara dengan tokoh-tokoh atau pakar bagi maklumat mengenai sesuatu isu dengan lebih tepat.

c. Wawancara personaliti
untuk memperkenalkan seseorang, latar belakang, pandangannya mengenai dirinya sendiri.

d. Wawancara eksklusif
Wawancara yang dilakukan oleh wartawan dari satu media yang khusus dengan sumber yang penting tentang isu-isu semasa.

Pemerhatian adalah satu teknik mendapatkan berita dengan pergi ke lokasi kejadian agar informasi yang diperolehi benar-benar sahih. Ada dua teknik pemerhatian:-

a. Secara langsung
wartawan akan tinggal bersama dengan sumber dan merasai apa yang dialami oleh sumber.

b. Secara tak langsung
wartawan akan melantik seorang perantara yang akan menyalurkan maklumat kepada wartawan.

Merupakan kaedah saintifik mencari pengetahuan yang melibatkan kaedah mengenalpasti dan formula untuk mendedahkan tingkah laku seseorang yang tidak diketahui umum

adalah satu kaedah pengujian untuk menjelaskan realiti bagi meningkatkan pemahaman sesuatu fenomena. Ia dilakukan dengan merujuk kepada sumber sekunder iaitu sumber kedua seperti fail, rekod, laporan, dokumen.


Adalah pembekal berita yang menghantar laporan berita secara elektronik. Cth: Associated Press (AP), United Press International (UPI), Agense France Presse (AFP), Reuters, International Islamic Agencies (IINA), DPA (Jerman), Agensi Berita Antara (Indonesia), BERNAMA.

Friday 21 July 2017


Myths about Leadership

            1.         I can’t lead if I am not at the top.

            2.         When I get to the top, then I will learn to lead.

            3.         If I were on top, then people will follow me.

            4.         When I get to the top, I will be control.

            5.         When I get to the top, I will no longer be limited.

            6.         I can’t reach my potential if I am not the top leader.

            7.         If I can’t get to the top, then I won’t try to lead.

The Principles of 360-Degree Leaders

            1.         Walk slowly through the halls.

            2.         See everyone as a “10”.

            3.         Develop each team member as a person.

            4.         Place people in their strength zones.

            5.         Model the behavior you desire.

            6.         Transfer the vision.

            7.         Reward the results

The Value of 360-Degree Leaders

            1.         A leadership team is more effective than just one leader.

            2.         Leaders are needed at every level of the organization.

            3.         Leading at successfully at one level is a qualifier for leading at the next                              level.

            4.         Good leaders in the middle make better leaders at the top.

            5.         360-Degree leaders possess qualities every organization needs.

Thursday 20 July 2017


Definition of Determinant of Health

“Any factor, whether event, characteristic, or other definable entity, that brings about change in a health condition or other defined characteristic.”(Last, 1995)

Individual Factors
(age, gender, size, appearance, personality, physical & emotional state)

A Housing

  • (Some Issues  - Overcrowding, Number of Rooms, “Sick Building Syndrome”,        surrounding environment, for eg. Near land-fill, Water & Electricity supplies)
  • Improvements in housing and improved mental health and general health
  • The possibility of improved housing leading to rent rises, impacting negatively on     health.
  • Movement of original tenants after housing improvement and therefore not benefiting from the improvements.
  • Housing tenure, outdoor temperature, indoor air quality, dampness, housing design, rent subsidies, relocation, allergens and dust mites, home accident prevention, and fire prevention.
  • Homelessness.
B - Environment              

  •     All that which is external to the individual human host.
  •     Can be divided into physical, biological, social, cultural, etc
  •    Any or all of these can influence health status of populations (Weather, Population density,
  •     Pollution of the habitat, Housing, Public transport and health facilities)

C - Educational level

  •     Most research studies reveal that there is a direct relationship between educational level and positive health outcomes
  •      Explanation
  •      Formal
  •      Informal including education into a religious, ethnic or professional sub-culture
D - Accessibility to Health Services

  •    Plays an important part to ensure accessibility to medical care especially when people are sick for curative care
  •      Can be public or private health care facilities
  •     Current policy ensures health services is easily available except for those in remote areas for eg. The Orang Asli Community and those in Sabah & Sarawak
E - Cultural Influences

F - Socio-economic Status

G - Transport

  •          Accidents between motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians (particularly children     and young people)

  •          Pollution from burning fossil fuels such as particulates and ozone

  •          Noise from transportation

  •          Public Health/Community Health is an integral part of Medicine

  •          Environmental Health is part or a sub-discipline of PH

  •          Environment is also a Determinant of Health
H - Food & Agriculture

 I - Waste

J - Urbanization

Friday 14 July 2017

4 IN 1

Ingin menjadi pemburu, jadilah pemburu bijak dan ilmu. Tamak untuk  mempunyai 4 ciri yang dikatakan RSAW  atau 4 in 1 sebagai calon berpotensi untuk menjadi teman seumur hidup. Rahsia Allah bab JODOH. Hidayah Allah akan memberi isyarat pada hati, kalau dah jodoh tak kemana. Manusia hanya boleh usaha dan doa untuk mendapat yang terbaik.

Sebab itu, perempuan kene cantik cantik. Kecantikan adalah mukadimah. Permulaan. Selepas itu, barulah komukasi, mengenali personaliti dan kefahaman agamanya. Kalau dah berjaya sehingga berkahwin, jadilah wanita solehah, perbetulkan niat berkahwin, elak mengungkit dan janganlah mudah emosi.

Orang bujang boleh berkata dari segi teori dan ilmu je. Realitnya, hanya jauhari mengenal manikam..huhu

Friday 7 July 2017


Mengapa manusia perlu solat? Solat khusyuk. Sebabnya, Allah berkata dalam surah Al-Ma'aarij

·Sesungguhnya manusia itu dijadikan bertabiat resah gelisah (lagi bakhil kedekut);
·Apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan, dia sangat resah gelisah;
·Dan apabila ia beroleh kesenangan, ia sangat bakhil kedekut;
·Kecuali orang-orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang -
·Iaitu mereka yang tetap mengerjakan sembahyangnya;

Apabila kita dah faham erti solat tuh, manusia mula bertindak

  • Dan mereka (yang menentukan bahagian) pada harta-hartanya, menjadi hak yang termaklum
  • Bagi orang miskin yang meminta dan orang miskin yang menahan diri (daripada meminta);
Orang mukmin percaya hari akhirat
  • Dan mereka yang percayakan hari pembalasan (dengan mengerjakan amal-amal yang soleh sebagai buktinya);
  • Dan mereka yang cemas takut daripada ditimpa azab Tuhannya, -
  • Kerana sesungguhnya azab Tuhan mereka, tidak patut (bagi seseorangpun) merasa aman terhadapnya;
Tanggungjawab kepada keluarga

  • Dan mereka yang menjaga kehormatannya, -
  • Kecuali kepada isterinya atau kepada hambanya, maka sesungguhnya mereka tidak tercela;
  • Kemudian sesiapa yang mengingini selain dari yang demikian, maka merekalah orang-orang yang melampaui batas;
  • Dan mereka yang menjaga amanah dan janjinya
  • Dan mereka yang memberikan keterangan dengan benar lagi adil (semasa mereka menjadi saksi);
Maka, jagalah solat

  • Dan mereka yang tetap memelihara sembahyangnya;
  • Mereka (yang demikian sifatnya) ditempatkan di dalam Syurga dengan diberikan penghormatan.
Allah SWT mengetahui segala-galanya isi hati manusia seperti dalam Surah Qaaf

  • Dan demi sesungguhnya, Kami telah mencipta manusia dan Kami sedia mengetahui apa yang dibisikkan oleh hatinya, sedang (pengetahuan) Kami lebih dekat kepadanya daripada urat lehernya,
  • Semasa dua malaikat (yang mengawal dan menjaganya) menerima dan menulis segala perkataan dan perbuatannya; yang satu duduk di sebelah kanannya, dan yang satu lagi di sebelah kirinya.
  • Tidak ada sebarang perkataan yang dilafazkannya (atau perbuatan yang dilakukannya) melainkan ada di sisinya malaikat pengawas yang sentiasa sedia (menerima dan menulisnya
  • (Serta dikatakan kepadanya): "Demi sesungguhnya! Engkau di dunia dahulu berada dalam keadaan lalai tentang (perkara hari) ini, maka kami hapuskan kelalaian yang menyelubungimu itu, lalu pandanganmu pada hari ini menjadi tajam (dapat menyaksikan dengan jelasnya perkara-perkara hari akhirat)".
  • Dan berkatalah malaikat yang sentiasa ada bersama-samanya: "Inilah (Kitab catitan iman dan amal) orang yang terletak dalam jagaanku, siap sedia (untuk dibicarakan)".
  • (Setelah tiap-tiap orang dibicarakan, Allah berfirman kepada kedua malaikat yang menjadi pembawa dan saksi itu): "Humbankanlah oleh kamu berdua, ke dalam neraka Jahannam tiap-tiap orang yang tetap degil dalam kekufurannya; -
  • "Yang sering menghalangi jenis kebajikan, yang melanggar hukum agama, lagi yang meragukan kebenaran,
  • "Yang menyembah benda yang lain bersama-sama Allah; maka humbankanlah oleh kamu berdua akan dia ke dalam azab seksa yang seberat-beratnya".
  • (Semasa ia dihumbankan ke dalam neraka Jahannam, ia mendakwa bahawa Syaitanlah yang menjadikan dia sesat; pada saat itu) Syaitan yang sentiasa menyertainya (di dunia dahulu) berkata: "Wahai Tuhan kami, aku tidak menyesatkannya tetapi sememangnya dia sendiri berada di dalam kesesatan yang jauh terpesong".
  • Allah berfirman: "Janganlah kamu berbalah lagi di hadapanKu, (tidak ada gunanya berbalah pada masa Aku membuat keputusan); padahal (kamu sedia mengetahui bahawa) Aku dahulu telah memberi amaran kepada kamu (akan menyeksa orang-orang yang bersalah).
  • "KeputusanKu itu tidak dapat diubah atau ditukar ganti, dan Aku tidak sekali-kali berlaku zalim kepada hambaKu".
  • (Peringatkanlah manusia) akan hari Kami bertanya kepada neraka Jahannam: "Adakah engkau sudah penuh? " Ia menjawab: "Adakah lagi sebarang tambahan?"
  • Dan (ingatkanlah pula hari) didekatkan Syurga bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa, di tempat yang tidak jauh (dari mereka).

·         (Serta dikatakan kepada mereka): "Inilah yang dijanjikan kepada kamu, - kepada tiap-tiap hamba yang sentiasa kembali (kepada Allah dengan mengerjakan ibadat), lagi yang sangat memelihara dengan sebaik-baiknya (segala hukum dan peraturan Allah);

·         "(Iaitu) orang yang takut (melanggar perintah Allah) Yang Maha Pemurah, semasa tidak dilihat orang dan semasa ia tidak melihat azab Allah, serta ia datang (kepada Allah) dengan hati yang tunduk taat".

·         (Mereka dipersilakan oleh malaikat dengan berkata): "Masuklah kamu ke dalam Syurga dengan selamat sejahtera; hari ini ialah hari (bermulanya) kehidupan yang kekal".

·         Mereka beroleh apa yang mereka kehendaki di situ, dan di sisi Kami ada lagi tambahan (limpah kurnia yang tidak terlintas di hati mereka).

·         Dan berapa banyak kaum-kaum (yang ingkar) yang terdahulu daripada orang-orang musyrik Makkah itu Kami telah binasakan. Kaum-kaum itu lebih kekuatannya (dan kehandalannya) daripada mereka, lalu kaum-kaum itu keluar mencari perlindungan di merata-rata negeri. (Meskipun demikian keadaannya) dapatkah (mereka) menyelamatkan diri?

Surah As-Sajdah

·    Mereka merenggangkan diri dari tempat tidur, (sedikit sangat tidur, kerana mengerjakan sembahyang tahajjud dan amal-amal soleh); mereka sentiasa berdoa kepada Tuhan mereka dengan perasaan takut (akan kemurkaanNya) serta dengan perasaan ingin memperolehi lagi (keredaanNya); dan mereka selalu pula mendermakan sebahagian dari apa yang Kami beri kepada mereka.

Surah Taha
Rendahkan diri

"Sesungguhnya Akulah Allah; tiada tuhan melainkan Aku; oleh itu, sembahlah akan Daku, dan dirikanlah sembahyang untuk mengingati Daku.

Tuesday 4 July 2017



Why do people go into teaching? What makes teaching an enjoyable life-long career for some, while others leave the profession? This paper will discuss those aspects of teaching that contribute to and detract from the appeal of a teaching career for both prospective and practicing teachers.  This paper is based on a research that had explored the factors influencing the motivation, morale and job satisfaction experienced by teachers.

Generally motivation level of school educators determine their productivity. Challenges faced by educators in the teaching profession sometimes prohibit the successful implementation of educational programs.  A study was conducted on 221 Distance Education Students to investigate their self-motivation towards teaching as a profession. Data were collected via an open ended questionnaire to elicit their perceptions on reasons in favor or otherwise of the teaching profession. Data were analyzed qualitatively using the phenomenological approach. Findings indicate that teachers have several reasons in favoring the teaching profession such an s teaching being a noble profession, as an opportunity to contribute towards students’ advancement and development and to fulfill self-interest and satisfaction. Another category that emerged from the findings is the perception of teaching as a challenging career.

On the other hand reasons for not favoring the teaching profession include low salary, lack of promotion opportunities, unsatisfactory leader behavior, and variety of workload, student discipline problems, uncooperative colleagues and unconducive working environment. Some suggestions given by the respondents to improve self-motivation include understanding of personal traits, selection of good school leaders, and review of educational system, salary scale and workload. Implications of the study are discussed to understand current status of teacher’s self-motivation in relation to individual well-being and self-actualization.

Research have shown that it is more difficult now for school to attract god teachers and also to retrain them in schools (Langdon 1990). The most frequently mentioned reason teachers give for the difficulty school have in getting and keeping good teachers is “low pay”. Other reasons given for schools having problems in getting good teachers are “geographic location” of the district, “working conditions” and “teacher shortage”.

The main reason teachers given for leaving is the same one they give for school not attracting good teachers that is “low pay” (35%). This is followed by working conditions (17%); lack of support from administrators, community, and parents (15%); weak or poor administration (9%); location (7%); work load (6%); better job opportunities (5%); lack of respect (3%); and burnout (2%).

Working conditions

The specific problems with working conditions that teachers mention most often is “poor student discipline”. These reasons are similar to those identified by another research group (National Association of state boards of Education, October 1998). The study cited “low salaries”, “poor students” discipline and being assigned to “teach subjects for which they are not prepared” as the top reasons why teachers quit.


Sample: 221 distance education students, majoring in TESL

Analysis of data : qualitatively using phenomenological approach

A study was conducted to investigate their self-motivation towards teachings as a profession. Data were collected via an open ended questionnaire to answer these research question.

Research question

What are the factors that make teachers “like” teaching career / profession?
Why teachers “do not like” teaching career / profession
What are the suggestion given by teachers to improve their self-motivation?

Findings: 6 theme emerged: Why teachers like teaching profession

Why teachers don’t like teaching profession

Examples of reasons for
A.      Fulfill self interest & satisfaction
1.       More holidays
2.       Working environment suitable to self need
3.       Shorter working hours
4.       More autonomy
5.       Satisfied if students pass their exams
6.       Respect from society
7.       Contribution for Dunia & Akhirat

B.      Contribute to student’s advancement
1.       Ensure students get new knowledge, skills and attitude
2.       To change student’s behavior
3.       To teach weak students
4.       To educate students to face the world
5.       To produce knowledge generations.

C.      Noble profession
1.       Respectable career
2.       Happy to be called as teacher
3.       Able to control negative behavior
4.       Responsible person
5.       Helping students to be good citizen

D.    Contribute to student’s advancement
1.       Act as role model
2.       Improve communication skills and self confidence
3.       Help to improve and teach own children
4.       Opportunity to learn new knowledge through reading etc.
5.       Opportunity to further study
6.       Challenge self ability
7.       To improve self discipline
8.       To improve self potential

Suggestion to improve self-motivation of teachers
  • Understanding of personal traits
  • Selection of good school leaders
  • Review of educational system
  • Review salary scale
  • Decrease workload/burden

Discussion & conclusion
  • Lord Puttnam (BBC News 2001) the Chairman of General Teaching Council for England (GTCE) concerns over teacher shortages.
  • They need take a long, hard look at why teachers leave and-stay-in the profession and then make the necessary improvements sustain a high quality teaching workforce.
  • The problems was not just teachers leaving the profession, but of people ‘down-shifting’ within teaching because of work pressure.
  •  Many of these trained professionals do not leave teaching but opt for a job with less pressure or one that isn’t full time.
  •  Many lady teachers in Malaysia opt for early retirement because can’t cope with heavy work load, burden with teaching subjects they are not prepared, students discipline etc

Monday 3 July 2017


Interviews (Individual or group)
Format:  Individual or group with SME (Subject Matter Experts)
SMEs:   Employees and/or supervisors
Key Points:
•Make purpose of the job analysis clear
•Interviewers need to be trained
•Use a structured format Potential Limitations:
Employees may distort the responsibilities of their job
Supervisors may lack detailed information as to how the job is done
On-Site Observation
•  Best used for structured jobs
•  Need to get a representative sample
•  Need to be unobtrusive
Questionnaire Dimensions measured by the PAQ:
a)  Where and how employees get job/task information
b)  Cognitive process involved (e.g., planning, organisation, making decisions)
c)  Output (e.g., activities performed, tools/processes used)
d)  Interpersonal relationships required (e.g., co-workers, clients)
e)  Context of job (physical and social)
•PAQ can allow comparisons and generalisations across jobs
•Decent internal consistency reliability (.80)
•Inter-rater reliability of .66
Cannot clarify questions or follow up on respondents answers
Best used  for manual labour jobs (lots of items related to equipment use)
Relatively high reading level level (10th - 12th grade)
Task differences may not be measured due to behavioural similarities 

Job Analysis Process for Employment Selection 
1.Identification of work activities and development of job task statements
2.Develop a list of KSA’s necessary for adequate performance of the job tasks
3.Site observations to confirm and substantiate findings
4.Evaluate job tasks and KSA statements to discern (and document) their job-relatedness
5.Generate test  items and evaluate their job-relatedness, or select existing tests for their job-relatedness
6.    Construct test instruments and assess their validity for purposes of selection/promotion decisions

Basic Task Statement Components

1)    What is the action being performed? (using an action verb)
2)    To Whom/What is the action directed? (the object, or receiver, of the action verb)
3)    How is the action performed? (e.g., use of certain procedures, equipment, tools).  The “how” is arguably the most crucial part of the task statement in that it directly relates to KSAs
4)  Why is the action being performed? (the purpose of the action).  Often, it is preceded by words such as “in order to” or “so as to.” Be careful not to confuse the “why’ part of the statement with the “what” section